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Just about everybody is ready for the election to be finished so we can stop hearing all the political rants on Facebook, news and dinner conversations… But I need to talk about Mitt Romney for a minute.

Still, I’m going to spare you the political rant and turn it into a marketing lesson.

Truthfully, a marketing lesson I wish Romney would pay attention to because, in some ways, he’s being out-marketed to by his tax-hungry, economy-stifling opponent, President Obama.  (Oops, did I say that out loud?!)

Specifically, I’m talking about Romney’s marketing on the Internet.

What do you see wrong with Romney’s homepage below?

If you haven’t figured it out yet – he’s asking for a donation before capturing the name and address of the people visiting the website.

One of the messages we talk about with our Insiders’ Club Members, is the importance of establishing the relationship before making a solicitation for a sale or a donation.

Mr. Romney, you’re putting the cart before the horse.

Let me give you my name and address before you ask me for a commitment to donate.

Then provide me with insights, ideas and reasons which will answer the question “What’s in it for me?”

No, I don’t want to hear how it will help you get elected – that’s all about you – make it about us.

Specifically, how will a donation to your campaign benefit me?

Besides, there are a lot more ways people can contribute to your election without donating (don’t forget that!)

Now let’s look at Obama’s…

Before asking for a donation, he’s asking for an email address.

He’s asking YOU to stand together, in unity of the message – building support for a tribe.

And once you submit your name and email, he then takes you to a page requesting a donation (not perfect, but much better).

So you’ve got the Romney campaign who is immediately asking for a donation with a boring headline “We Believe in America” and then you have Obama’s campaign who’s asking for your email address with the headline “We Must Once Again Come Together and Stand Together for Barack Obama” (more juicy and appealing to the senses).

Now, I don’t have the performance metrics for each website – if I was a betting man, I’d have to say Obama has the marketing edge on this one…

What do you like most about each website?  What do you think the candidates could have done to make their website even stronger?

In your corner,


P.S.  What does your small business website look like? Could you be doing something better to capture more leads or convert more sales? It’s all about developing your edge.  For strategies and ideas for creating a competitive advantage in your market, join the Insiders’ Club today.

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