
Building a Brand for Social Media Success feat. Zach Ford…

189. Building a Brand for Social Media Success feat. Zach Ford

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With the right strategy, social media can help you build a personal or business brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace. In today’s world, being niched, inspiring, catchy, and entertaining is critical to success on social media, which can help you build a loyal following and grow your business. But with the rise of AI, how can you leverage technology to support your brand-building efforts further? And when it comes to scaling and expanding, don’t forget the importance of defining your company’s culture and ethos upfront.

Episode 189: Learn More About the Social Media Business and Personal Branding

In this episode of Beyond 7 Figures, I talk to social media expert Zach Ford. Ford is known for his work with Dave Ramsey, where he turned a social media following of zero into over 14 million followers across platforms. He is currently making impacts with Entersquare, a thriving social media creative and marketing agency he founded. Ford is passionate about helping businesses grow by leveraging the power of social media. He believes in niching down, inspiring action, and keeping your content catchy and entertaining.

Key Takeaways:

  • The importance of building a personal brand on social media
  • The “nice” framework for creating content: niched, inspiring, catchy, and entertaining
  • Establish trust and consistency in branding to win over potential customers
  • Value and engage with a small audience before trying to achieve more significant numbers
  • Social media is a key tool for business growth and should not be ignored
  • The importance of remaining consistent and committed to social media efforts over time

All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.


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Next week, we talk about lessons on mindset, purpose, and legacy with Petra Stuchlik. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

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