What is the Best Sales Team Structure?

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Building an effective sales team is crucial for any company looking to drive revenue and achieve lasting success.

The tricky bit is settling on the best sales team structure for your unique business.

In this blog post, we will explore the different sales team structures, their advantages and disadvantages, and provide insights to help you identify the best sales team structure for your company.  

What is a Sales Team Structure?

A sales team structure refers to how a sales team is organized and how its members’ roles and responsibilities are distributed.

It is a crucial aspect of any successful sales operation as it determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales team.

Best Practice in Sales Team Structures

As you think about how to structure your team, keep this best practice in mind:
Ensure that you have 1 Sales Manager for every 4-7 team members; and 1-3 Business Development Reps for every Account Executive.

4 Most Common Sales Team Structures

The best sales team structure can vary depending on a company’s needs and goals.

Here are the 4 common structures that are often considered effective:

1. Geographic Structure

Sales teams are organized based on specific geographic regions, such as countries or states.

This allows salespeople to focus on the needs and preferences of customers in their respective areas.

2. Product Structure

Sales teams are organized around specific products or product lines.

This structure enables salespeople to develop deep expertise in their assigned products and target customers interested in those products.

3. Customer Structure

In this structure, sales teams are organized based on customer segments or industries.

This allows salespeople to understand different customer groups’ unique needs and challenges and tailor their approach accordingly.

4. Hybrid Structure

Some companies may combine elements of the above structures to create a hybrid structure that suits their specific needs.

For example, you could decide to have a geographic structure with specialized product teams within each region.

Advantages of Having an Organized Sales Team Structure

  • Improved Performance

A company’s sales performance can significantly improve with a well-structured and organized sales team.

The structure delineates roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships, enhancing accountability and efficiency.

By defining roles, each team member knows their specific tasks, reducing overlaps and omissions and ensuring comprehensive coverage of all sales activities.

Thus, an organized sales team structure is a key driver of superior sales results.

  • Increased Efficiency

One significant advantage of an organized sales team structure is its heightened efficiency in the sales process.

A well-structured team minimizes redundancy and ensures every salesperson knows their role, responsibilities, and targets, thus boosting productivity.

In such an environment, time is well-utilized, and resources are not wasted, resulting in cost-effectiveness.

Furthermore, streamlined communication within the team leads to quick problem-solving and decision-making. It also encourages collective efforts towards achieving sales goals.

Additionally, an organized structure provides a clear career path for each team member, leading to increased motivation and engagement.

All these factors culminate in higher efficiency, eventually leading to improved sales performance and profitability.

  • Improved Communication and Collaboration

A clear hierarchy and defined roles within the team result in a streamlined flow of information, eliminating confusion and fostering better understanding among team members.

This, in turn, facilitates faster decision-making processes, reduces redundancies, and eliminates unnecessary delays.

Collaboration is also enhanced as team members understand their roles and how they fit into the bigger picture, promoting unity and shared responsibility. This can lead to increased motivation and job satisfaction.

Challenges with Establishing a Sales Team Structure

While developing a structured sales team can yield many benefits, it has its fair share of challenges too. These include:

  • Lack of Alignment with Business Goals and Objectives

One significant challenge in establishing an effective sales team structure is the potential need for alignment with overarching business goals and objectives.

A misaligned sales structure can inhibit a company’s growth as it may lead to efficient resource allocation, consistent messaging, or unmet targets.

It’s crucial for sales management to ensure that the team’s structure supports and is directly aligned with the company’s strategic objectives. This alignment enables a clear pathway for the sales team to understand their role and contribution towards the overall business goals.

It also aids in improving communication, setting realistic targets, and fostering a culture of accountability within the team.

  • Resistance to Change from Existing Employees

This resistance often stems from fear of the unknown, comfort with the status quo, or a perception that the changes will result in increased workload or reduced job security.

Such resistance can undermine the implementation of a new sales team structure, leading to decreased productivity and morale.

To overcome this, it’s critical to communicate the reasons for the change and involve employees. Providing adequate training and support during the transition period can also alleviate concerns.

Ultimately, addressing resistance to change requires a thoughtful and sensitive approach that considers each team member’s unique perspectives and concerns.

  • Lack of Flexibility in the Structure

In a rapidly changing marketplace, rigidity in the organizational structure can hinder adaptability and impede progress.

Sales teams must often adjust strategies and tactics to meet evolving customer needs and market dynamics.

A rigid sales team structure can stifle innovation and inhibit responsiveness. It can also limit the team’s ability to capitalize on new opportunities or address unexpected challenges.

Therefore, while a solid structure provides necessary order and accountability, it must also incorporate flexibility. This balance enables a sales team to maintain consistency while adapting to the changing business environment.


In conclusion, the best sales team structure for your business will vary depending on the nature of your business, market dynamics, and the complexity of your products or services.

However, combining the strengths of different structures, a hybrid structure often proves most effective. It ensures flexibility, clear roles, and accountability, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to achieving sales targets.

However, constant evaluation and modification are necessary to adapt to evolving business needs and market trends.


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