Sales Pipeline Management: Strategies, Techniques, and Best Practices

Sales Pipeline Management_ Strategies, Techniques, and Best Practices - Predictable Profits

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Are you looking for ways to improve your sales pipeline management and close more deals? This article will cover the essential strategies, techniques, and best practices for managing your sales pipeline and maximizing your sales efforts.

According to a Hubspot report, only 22% of businesses have a conversion rate with which they’re satisfied.

Implementing the proper sales pipeline management techniques is crucial for companies who want to have optimal control and visibility over their pipeline, allowing for more strategic decision-making and optimization as needed.

A sales pipeline is a funnel-like system that tracks your potential customers as they progress from being aware of your product to becoming paying customers. 

With efficient sales pipeline management, you can identify bottlenecks and take steps to improve your conversion rate. As your business grows, your sales pipeline will become increasingly important for ensuring a steady stream of new customers. 

Without a sales pipeline, tracking your progress and ensuring your business grows at a healthy rate would be difficult. 

In short, a sales pipeline is essential to any business’s growth strategy.

Understanding The Sales Pipeline

The Sales Pipeline - Predictable Profits

A sales pipeline is probably the most useful concept for sales. It is not a sales hack. Think of it as a tool or process your sales team uses to manage and move sales prospects through the sales funnel.

A sales pipeline is a snapshot of where leads are in your sales process.

It’s a visual, organized way to keep track of your potential buyers as they move through the different stages.

Thinking of your sales process as a pipeline forces you to streamline your efforts into a repeatable, measurable process with clearly defined steps.

It creates a shared understanding that will make your sales more actionable and scaleable.


Back in the day, sales teams used spreadsheets, a board, or a system of index cards to keep track of leads and the progress of ongoing deals.

Today, however, many organizations use customer relationship management software (CRMs) to visualize better how leads move from stage to stage as they move closer to becoming customers.

Why is Sales Pipeline Management Important for Business Growth?

Sales pipeline management is essential for any business that wants to close more sales and grow its revenue. 

By definition, sales pipeline management is tracking and managing your sales prospects from first contact to close.

This involves keeping track of important information about each prospect, such as their contact information, what stage of the sales process they’re in, and what kind of objections they might have. 

Additionally, sales pipeline management helps you identify any bottlenecks in your sales process to make necessary adjustments.

Several benefits come with implementing an effective sales pipeline management system. 

1. First and foremost, it enables you to close more sales. When you clearly understand where each prospect is in the sales process, you can provide them with the specific help they need to move forward. 

2. Sales pipeline management also helps you budget your time and resources more effectively. Knowing how many prospects you have at each stage of the process, you can plan your outreach accordingly.

3. Sales pipeline management provides valuable insights into your business’s overall performance. By tracking your win/loss ratio and average deal size, you can identify areas where you could improve your sales process.

Sales Pipeline Stages

Stages along the pipeline may vary from company to company, but typically, you’ll have stages for prospecting, lead qualification, consideration, decision-making, and, finally, closing the deal.

1. Prospecting:

First, you’ll need to identify the people and companies you will be doing business with. 

At this stage, you should have an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) drawn out based on demographics, buying habits, media consumption, or just about any combination of factors.

Using this ICP, your sales team must employ various strategies to bring these prospects into your sales pipeline. 

Prospecting can be challenging or relatively more straightforward, depending on your target buyers’ awareness of your brand and what you offer.  

For this reason, many companies put more effort into pre-heating and demand generation strategies, so prospects become more receptive to your messaging before entering your sales pipeline.

2. Qualifying Your Leads

Zeroing in on the right type of leads allows you to focus your sales efforts better. After your team identifies new prospects, the next step is determining if they’re prospective buyers. 

When qualifying your prospects, some typical questions may include:

  • What is their industry or space?
  • How large is their company?
  • Where are they located?
  • Which products or services have they used before?
  • What solutions are they actively looking for?
  • How urgently do they need these solutions?

By using these critical qualifying criteria, your sales team should be able to make a call on whether a prospect matches your definition of an ideal customer. 

Simply put, if they don’t match the profile, your team can move on (and spend more time on prospects that fit the profile.)

3. Consideration 

During the consideration stage, your sales team is now in the thick of it, giving your prospects everything they need to evaluate their options and, hopefully, do business with you. 

Your team is essentially building a case for your business during this stage. Activities are likely to include:

  • Building relationships with your prospects
  • Providing demos of your products or services
  • Providing technical information and case studies
  • Providing that new perspective that triggers an “a-ha!” moment or makes your prospect say, “wow, that changes everything!”
  • Navigating the internal politics of your prospect’s company
  • Engaging the prospective company’s ultimate decision-makers

4. Decision-Making

At this stage, your prospect has chosen to go with your brand and wants to do business with you. However, it’s usually not as simple or straightforward as your sales team would likely need to resolve:

  • Negotiations on cost or inclusions
  • Contract or budget approval by higher-ups
  • Payment structures 
  • Other last-minute priority projects that might be competing with you
  • Possible compliance or IT issues

Your team must address these concerns immediately, as these roadblocks might delay or prevent a sale.

5. Closing The Deal

This is the end goal of every pipeline: your team has closed the deal, earned a signed contract, and won new business for your company.

Of course, for many companies, the sales pipeline ends here. For others, they might have a different pipeline for continuing or ongoing customers to encourage recurring business or repeat orders and purchases.

The Basics of Managing Your Sales Pipeline

Sales pipeline management involves organizing and tracking the progress of potential sales deals as they move through the sales process. Here are some best practices for managing a sales pipeline:

1. Define your sales stages.

Clearly define the different stages of your sales process, such as “lead,” “prospect,” “qualification,” and “close.” This will help you track the progress of each deal and identify bottlenecks in your process.

2. Use a CRM.

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is a tool that helps you track and manage customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. 

CRMs are a must-have for top-performing companies these days. They can be indispensable for managing your sales pipeline, as they allow you to see each deal’s status and access important information about your prospects.

3. Regularly review and update your pipeline.

It’s important to regularly review and update your pipeline to ensure that it accurately reflects the status of each deal. This will help you identify which deals are moving forward and which might be at risk.

Reviewing should be done at least weekly, but daily or even twice daily reviews may be necessary for larger pipelines.

4. Set sales targets.

Setting targets for your sales team can help motivate them and ensure they work towards specific goals. These could be revenue targets or other metrics such as the number of deals closed or the average deal size.

It’s important to set realistic targets that are challenging but achievable.

5. Use data to make informed decisions.

Use data from your CRM and other sources to inform your sales strategy and identify trends and patterns. This will help you make more informed decisions about how to move deals through your pipeline.

Look for patterns in the data that can help you improve your sales process and close more deals. By analyzing data from your pipeline, you can make informed predictions about future sales and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Sales Pipeline Management Tips and Best Practices

Effective sales pipeline management is essential for businesses to generate revenue and grow. It involves organizing and tracking the progress of potential sales deals as they move through the sales process. 

By following best practices and implementing the right tools and strategies, businesses can more effectively manage their sales pipeline and close more deals.

  • Train your team on the sales process. Make sure everyone on your team is familiar with the different stages of the pipeline and the roles and responsibilities associated with each stage.
  • Qualify leads. Not all leads are created equal. Make sure you have a process for qualifying leads to determine which ones are worth pursuing.
  • Segment your leads. Segmenting your leads based on factors such as industry, company size, or location can help you tailor your sales efforts and improve your chances of success.
  • Use lead scoring. Lead scoring is a process of assigning a numerical value to each lead based on factors such as their likelihood to make a purchase, the size of their company, and their budget. This can help you prioritize your efforts and focus on the most promising leads.
  • Set up a process for nurturing leads. Not all leads are ready to make a purchase right away. Set up a process for nurturing leads through the sales process, such as sending them educational content or following up with them at regular intervals.
  • Use automated tools. Automation can save your team a lot of time. There are many tools available that can help automate various aspects of the sales process, such as email drip campaigns and lead generation forms. 
  • Use sales enablement tools. Sales enablement tools, such as content libraries and sales collateral templates, can help your sales team be more efficient and effective.
  • Use a visual sales pipeline.: A visual representation of your sales pipeline, such as a sales funnel, can help you better understand each deal’s status and identify any bottlenecks in the process.
  • Foster relationships with prospects. Building strong relationships with your prospects can help you close more deals. Make sure to follow up with them regularly and offer value to keep them engaged.
  • Keep your pipeline up to date. Make sure to regularly review and update the status of each deal in your pipeline. This will help you identify which deals are moving forward and which might be at risk.
  • Use your pipeline to identify areas for improvement. If certain stages of the pipeline are consistently causing delays or bottlenecks, consider ways to streamline the process or allocate resources differently.
  • Have a plan B. Even with the best planning and execution, sometimes deals fall through. Make sure you have a backup plan in place to ensure that you can continue to generate revenue.
  • Celebrate wins. Don’t forget to celebrate your team’s successes and recognize their hard work. This can help boost morale and motivate your team to perform at a high level.
  • Use demand generation to keep your sales pipeline full. By implementing demand generation strategies such as content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing, you can attract a steady stream of leads and keep your sales pipeline full. .

Demand generation is a hot topic among marketers today. But many people have the misconception that demand generation and lead generation are somehow the same thing. 

Read more about the difference between the two concepts in our related piece, “Demand Generation vs. Lead Generation: What’s the Difference?”

A Final Word on Sales Pipeline Management

In conclusion, sales pipeline management is essential in generating revenue and growing a business. 

By organizing and tracking the progress of potential sales deals as they move through the sales process, businesses can identify bottlenecks, set goals, and make informed decisions to move deals forward and close more sales. 

Some key strategies and techniques for managing your sales pipeline include defining your sales stages, using a CRM system, regularly reviewing and updating your pipeline, setting sales targets, and using data to inform your decisions. 

By following best practices and implementing the right tools and strategies, businesses can more effectively manage their sales pipeline and increase their chances of success.

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