
Bryan Clayton on Growing GreenPal, the Uber for Lawn Care, to 8-Figures…

"Bryan Clayton on Growing GreenPal, the Uber for Lawn Card, to 8 Figures" (Business Podcast)

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Ep #62 – Bryan Clayton is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Peachtree Inc and GreenPal. Bryan grew Peachtree Inc from 0 to 150 employees before navigating its exit to LUSA holdings in 2013.

Shortly after exiting Peachtree Inc, Bryan went on to become the CEO and Co-Founder of GreenPal, aka the Uber for lawn care, which he founded in 2014 and has grown to almost 200,000 active users and over $20 million in annual revenue. GreenPal is nationwide in the US and will soon be expanding into Canada.

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