The Importance of Categorical Top-of-Mind Awareness

Hey, I want you to imagine a day when your ideal prospect says something like, “Alexa, get me a business coach.”

Or, “Siri, find me an ad agency.”

Or, say, “Google, get me a dog walker.” 

Now, if that happened with the search results, pull up your name. It might not seem like a big deal for you right now. But comScore estimates that 50% of all searches will be voice searched by the year 2020. And that trend is actually increasing. 

So look, history is riddled with companies who failed to spot the change in buying behaviors and, ultimately, they suffered for it. 

I’m here to tell you that this really is a big deal.

And not just for the sake of all the AI voice bots that are out there. But really, what this is an indication of, is why you need to be categorically top of mind. 

So in other words, instead of you saying, “Hey, Siri, give me a business coach”. My goal is that when the need arises, you’ll actually say “Siri, give me Predictable Profits”, just like you’d ask for Kleenex, Tide, or even a Bud Light. 

See, when a need arises, you need to instantly become top of mind.

And here’s why this is so exciting, right? One of my B2B agency clients– he did some analysis, and he found that hands down, his revenue increased in direct correlation to the number of brand name searches that were made on Google. 

So what he found is that as more people searched his company name, more people just purchased a service. 

I encourage you to find out right now how known your company is.

So go over to Google Analytics and find out how many people are visiting your website because they actually typed in your name into the search engine. 

And then you set up a new KPI; make it a goal to increase the number of brand name searches that are made on your company each month.

And when you do that, I can practically guarantee as more people look up your company name, the more relevant your brand is to your market. 

And ultimately, the more categorically important you are, and of course, when you do that, you’ll find your revenue will increase.

And if you want to know how to get more people to look up your name, that’s a good question, and we’ll talk about that in the next video.

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