What Do I Need To Know About Managing Sales Performance?

[Blog] What Do I Need To Know About Managing Sales Performance

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Are you a sales manager looking to improve your team’s performance and drive greater success for your business? Or are you a business owner seeking to streamline your sales process and increase revenue? Managing sales performance is essential to running a successful business regardless of your role. 

In this piece, we’ll dive into sales performance management and what you need to know to drive better results for your organization.

According to sales strategist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of Selling to Big Companies and SNAP Selling, Jill Konrath, “sales is an outcome, not a goal. It’s a function of doing numerous things right, starting from the moment you target a potential prospect until you finalize the deal.”

As a business owner or CEO, you always look for ways to improve performance and increase sales. But what’s the best way to go about it? 

Sales Performance Management (SPM) is a comprehensive approach to optimizing sales performance by aligning sales goals and objectives with your organization’s overall strategy.

It involves using technology, data analytics, and continuous coaching and feedback to help salespeople achieve targets and improve their skills.

The key to managing sales performance is to understand how you should motivate your sales team, optimize your sales processes and strategies, and use data-driven insights to identify areas for improvement. It’s all about best implementing your tools and techniques to achieve your organization’s sales goals.

At its core, SPM creates a culture of continuous improvement where salespeople feel motivated to perform at their best. They’re supported by the right tools and resources and held accountable for their results. 

Sales performance management increases sales by ensuring your sales team is aligned with your business objectives and always working toward goals.

This blog post shares helpful tips for managing sales performance, whether you’re a new sales manager or an experienced pro. 

Let’s get started!

Why Managing Sales Performance is Important for Your Overall Sales Strategy

In his book The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible, Brian Tracy introduces the “Winning Edge Concept.” It is a reminder that success in sales is often the result of consistent, incremental improvements. Salespeople can significantly improve their sales results by focusing on improving each day.

Managing sales performance ensures your team focuses on the right objectives and strategies to maximize effectiveness. 

You get an accurate picture of each team member’s performance, allowing you to reward those doing well while offering additional training and support for those struggling.

This ultimately leads to higher morale among your team members and improved results.

Also, you can better understand customer needs and preferences by tracking customer data and insights.

This makes it easier for your team to tailor their approach, leading to more successful outcomes.

Why You Must Regularly Look Into Sales Performance Management

Enterprises will miss the equivalent of up to 10% of annual sales lost opportunities because of poor planning - Predictable Profits

Poor planning in sales can significantly impact a business’s bottom line. Studies have shown that due to poor planning, enterprises may miss up to 10% of their annual sales opportunities, resulting in lost revenue and missed business opportunities. (Source)

Beyond ensuring your sales team stays on track and meets its goals, sales performance management allows your organization to build systems and processes to ensure steady, consistent results.

Other benefits include

  • Increased efficiency: You identify areas where sales team members struggle or there are bottlenecks in the sales process. This saves you time and resources, leading to cost savings for your business.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: By providing regular feedback and coaching to your sales team, you can improve their customer service skills. This leads to improved loyalty.
  • Better team morale: Recognizing and rewarding good performance drives motivation throughout your sales team. This leads to higher levels of engagement and retention.
  • Better decision-making: You can fine-tune sales strategy and tactics by analyzing sales data and trends. This optimizes your sales efforts.

Why Companies Struggle with Effective Sales Performance Management

Playwright, literary critic, and political activist, George Bernard Shaw once said, “progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

Coming out of a pandemic, the field of sales continues to evolve even as the business landscape returns to some normalcy. As such, sales professionals must adapt to new obstacles.

A recent Hubspot study reveals that three of the most pressing challenges among sales professionals include:

  • Trying to build trust virtually.
  • Getting in front of decision-makers.
  • Realizing a solid project alone won’t close deals.

The truth is these companies struggle with effective sales performance management for several reasons:

1. Lack of Data: You can’t clearly understand performance and needed changes without data-driven insights.

2. Resistance to Change: This includes new technologies, processes, and feedback mechanisms. If a sales team has been working a certain way for a long time, they may be unwilling to adopt new sales performance management practices.

3. Lack of Resources: Implementing sales performance management requires significant time, money, and effort.

4. Complexity: Sales performance management requires monitoring many elements, including data analysis, goal-setting, coaching, feedback, and technology. Without a clear understanding of how these elements fit together, companies may struggle to implement SPM effectively.

5. Inadequate Training: Without proper guidance, salespeople often misuse tools and processes.

Tools and Services for Managing Sales Performance

An integrated SPM platform increases sales productivity by 12.5% and accelerates deal close times by 50% - Predictable Profits

An integrated Sales Performance Management (SPM) platform streamlines sales operations, increases sales productivity by 12.5%, and accelerates deal close times by 50% by providing real-time data, collaboration tools, and resources for effective decision-making. (Source)

Here are a few helpful resources for managing sales performance:

Sales CRM systems– customer relationship management (CRM) systems– track interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. Many include sales performance management features such as goal setting, tracking, and analysis tools.

Sales forecasting software helps businesses predict future sales by analyzing historical sales, market trends, and customer behavior. 

Sales dashboards visually represent key sales metrics, such as conversion rates and average deal size. 

Sales training and coaching tools help businesses improve the skills and knowledge of their sales teams. These include online courses, video training, and coaching software.

Gamification tools use techniques like leaderboards, points, and rewards to motivate and engage sales teams. These tools improve performance and foster a positive and supportive culture.

Customer experience management tools help businesses track and measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. These tools identify areas where sales teams can improve their customer interactions and service.

Sales Performance Management Best Practices You Should Always Remember

Adopting and consistently implementing effective sales performance management best practices is crucial for sales organizations to achieve their goals and drive business success.

To ensure your sales team performs at its best, here are some key steps and best practices to remember.

1. Set clear and measurable goals.

Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your sales team is essential. Make these goals align with your overall business objectives– these should be sufficiently challenging yet well within reach.

2. Track progress regularly. 

Regularly track the progress of your sales team toward their goals. Determine KPIs for the entire sales department and individual team members to give them a better appreciation of accountability.

3. Provide regular feedback and coaching.

Provide regular feedback to your sales team on their performance and offer coaching to help them improve. This can include one-on-one meetings, training sessions, and performance reviews.

4. Motivate and reward your team.

Use commissions, bonuses, and other incentives to help boost team and individual sales performance. 

5. Monitor and analyze sales data.

Keep an eye on key sales metrics, such as conversion rates and average deal size, and analyze this data to identify trends and areas for improvement.

6. Adjust your sales strategy as needed.

Optimize your team’s sales performance based on the data you collect and the feedback you receive. This can include changing your sales approach, introducing new products or services, or adjusting your pricing strategy.

7. Foster a positive and supportive culture. 

Encourage learning and growth to help improve morale and motivation within your sales team, leading to better performance.

The Importance of Leveraging Data to Manage Sales Performance

51% of sales leaders rely on data to measure sales rep performance, and for good reason. Data provides a clear, objective view of sales performance, allowing sales leaders to make informed decisions about strategy and improvement. (Source)

Without data, sales managers may rely on intuition and assumptions when making decisions about sales performance, leading to ineffective practices and missed opportunities for improvement.

Data removes the guesswork from managing sales performance by providing clear, objective information that informs decision-making and strategy. 

A data-driven approach to SPM provides a factual and unbiased view of sales performance, which is crucial for several reasons:

  • Data provides valuable insights into sales performance, including what is working well and what needs improvement. These insights inform sales strategy, set realistic goals, and track progress toward those goals.
  • Data provides a clear, objective measure of sales performance. This allows sales managers to hold salespeople accountable for their results, identify areas for improvement, and provide coaching and feedback to help them reach their full potential.
  • Data can also be used to identify trends and patterns in sales performance over time, aiding sales managers to identify areas where salespeople are struggling, such as with a specific product or customer, and provide targeted support to overcome these obstacles.
  • By analyzing data on individual salespeople, sales managers can provide personalized coaching and feedback to each salesperson. A more personalized approach allows your team members to reach their full potential.
  • By using data to inform sales strategy and track progress, companies can maximize the return on investment in their sales team. Data-driven sales performance management can help companies identify and resolve inefficiencies, increase sales productivity, and improve overall sales results.

Conclusion: A Final Word About Managing Sales Performance

Leveraging systems, technology, and data is essential for effectively managing sales performance in today’s fast-paced business environment. By incorporating these tools into sales operations, organizations can gain a competitive advantage, increase efficiency, and achieve better sales results.

In conclusion, managing sales performance is critical for business success and growth. 

Beyond tapping into the sales experience and expertise of sales leaders and managers, by leveraging technology and tools, business owners can improve the efficiency of their sales operations, make informed decisions, and improve sales results.

Adopt a more data-driven approach to your sales performance management, and use the best practices we mentioned in the blog post. 

  • Regularly analyze data to track progress toward sales goals, identify trends, and make informed decisions.
  • Set realistic and achievable sales goals and regularly evaluate performance against those goals.
  • Provide targeted and personalized coaching to salespeople to overcome obstacles and improve performance.
  • Continuously evaluate and adapt sales processes to ensure they remain effective in the changing business landscape.
  • Stay current with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in sales performance management.

By taking these steps, sales managers and business owners can continue to improve sales performance and achieve better business results. With the right strategies and tools in place, success in sales can be within reach for any organization.

Take the first step towards boosting your sales results with expert training and coaching from Predictable Profits. Schedule a free strategy session today and see the difference for yourself.

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